Delivering Good Dental Practicing News To Help Increase Your Profits

I want you to do what you do best, DENTISTRY!  Leave the rest to me.   

(813) 833-4645

About Us

Clinical Coaching

Our Success Is Dependent On Your Success

About Me

I have spent two decades understanding the business of dentistry. What I have learned is there are few dentists who love their job. For those who do love dentistry, they are bogged down with so much debt, they cannot enjoy their lives. In addition, dentists are often consumed with staff drama, they cannot focus on what they do best... DENTISTRY! They think going to the best conference, listening to the best speakers, learning new techniques, and buying the best products will launch their practice and career. And it might work for some, but for most, this is simply not the case. Many dentists hire a consultant to come in and work the numbers. Consultants do a great job putting numbers into a program (not designed by a dentist) and explaining what needs to be done to get to the next level. Consultants give advice, coaches train and teach to improve performance. Dentists spend so much money learning but they miss THE WHY! What do I mean?
I bring the most important component to increasing productivity, IMPLEMENTATION!. How good is a course if you don't know how to bring it into your practice? How good is that new delivery system if you aren't taught how to use it properly? My motivation comes from my ability to coach new concepts, ideas, ergonomics, equipment, systems to any practice. I am able to help you understand the why. That AHA MOMENT! As defined the aha moment is a point in time, event, or experience when one has a sudden insight or realization. An instant at which the solution to a problem becomes clear.  
The best part of my job is listening and discovering. But it is the AHA moment that changes my life and yours.

Contact Us

We understand that every career path has unique its own unique twists and turns. Feel free to message or call us with any specific concerns.

Your time is valuable, and we will make sure to get back to you as soon as we can.


Dental Prophet

(813) 833-4645